Cost is €284 per year
- Persons who on the date of their election to membership shall be aged not more than 17 years.
- May make full use of the Clubhouse
- May play golf on the Club’s course at any time, and in certain selected Club competitions subject to the regulations provided in that regard by the Committees, provided they are in the company of a Voting Member unless playing in a competition for Junior Members.
- May not attend or vote at General Meetings.
- Junior Members with a WHS Handicap Index of 19.9 or below (Male), 39.9 or below (Female), may be invited to play by the Men’s/Ladies Golf Committees, via the Junior Golf Committee, to play in competitions under the conditions set out below. Once invited, that junior is deemed to be invited for the remainder of the calendar year, irrespective of their current playing handicap.
- Junior Members are not eligible to play in Major Competitions (Captain’s, President’s Vice Captain’s, Vice President’s). There will be alternative Junior Competitions.
- May play in Medal/St Patrick’s Day Cup with restrictions as to how and when they can obtain access to the timesheet. Should a junior member have the lowest nett score on the day, a second medal for that day will be awarded. If they match one of the minor prizes they will receive a junior prize.
- May not participate in Club singles, Four-ball, Foursome and Mixed Match- play competitions but may compete in the Club Scratch Match-plays.
- May represent the Club in inter-club competitions subject to the regulations for said competitions.
Also includes:
Golf Ireland Fees €7
Insurance Fees €27
Restaurant Levy €25