Intermediate Membership

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Cost is €530 per year

Online Membership Application

  • Persons who on the date of their election to membership shall be aged not less than 18 years and on the 1 st January in any subsequent year shall not be more than 24 years.
  • May make full use of the Clubhouse
  • May play golf on the Club’s course at any time, and in certain selected Club competitions subject to the regulations provided in that regard by the Committees.
  • May not attend or vote at General Meetings.
  • May play in Medal/St Patrick’s Day Cup with restrictions as to how and when they can obtain access to the timesheet. Should an Intermediate member have the lowest nett score on the day, a second medal for that day will be awarded. If they match one of the minor prizes they will receive an intermediate prize.
  • May not participate in in Club singles, Four-ball, Foursome and Mixed Match- play competitions but may compete in the Club Scratch Match-plays.
  • May represent the Club in inter-club competitions subject to the regulations for said competitions.

Also includes:

Golf Ireland Fees €28
Insurance Fees €27
Restaurant Levy €100